1 MAY 1841, page 7

Zbe Court.

Tux Court has been occupied with the usual ceremonies of the season; while the frequent record of Cabinet Councils and audiences indicates that the Queen has had a greater share......

Gbe 43robinces.

Mr. Walter has been chosen for Nottingham, after an election which threatened at one time to be of rather a stormy character. The nomi- nation took place at ten o'clock on......


It is reported that Commodore Napier will become a candidate for the borough of Marylebone at the next election. A meeting was called on Tuesday, at Willis's Rooms, by the Arch-......

Want Of Room Prevents The Insertion Of The Complete...

but the following tables exhibit all the exceptions from the uniform array of parties in the great divisions of Monday and Thursday. On the First Clause—Lord Howick's Amendment.......