1 NOVEMBER 1884, page 14

Coleridge And Mr. Traill.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] am one of the generation of those who, fifty years ago, learned, or tried to learn to think, in the school of Coleridge. And while I......

Unanimity Of Religious Teaching. I To The Editor Of The

" SPECTATOR...1 Sin,—Kindly allow me a few words in answer to your corre- spondent "E. B. H.," who seems to forget that real unanimity of opinion among earnest religious......


This memoir, judged as a whole, is undoubtedly one of great and permanent interest. But we wish, in spite of Mr. Fronde'a flowing and brilliant style, that it could have been......


SAMUEL RABBETH. [" Greater love bath no man than this,"] It was an offering rare that thou didst yield To this poor world and Him who died for thee. Few nobler deeds of service......