1 SEPTEMBER 1894, page 1

News Of The Week.

P ARLIAMENT was prorogued on Saturday. The Queen's Speech, which was longer and more emphatic than is usual for a prorogation speech, reads somewhat like an elaborate and......

Probably This News Is Greatly Exaggerated, But There Is...

impossible per se in the account of the operations. The Japanese would naturally try to strike the Chinese in flank as they advanced, and not merely to await them at Seoul, and......

'the Times Of Wednesday Gives Prominence To A Communi-...

from a correspondent in reg ard to the military situation in Corea. Seoul, the capital of Corea, and the country round, is evidently going to be the theatre of the war, at any......

However, As It Was, The Election Was Fought On Lines

less favourable to the Leicester majority than the two single elections would have been fought. Indeed, Mr. Hazell, the less popular Radical, got in by a very narrow majority of......

* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


The Chinese Paper Hupao, Which Derives Its Information...

or less trustworthy native sources, published in its issue of August 29th a connected narrative of the operations which have taken place in Corea since August 13th. On the 13th,......

Sir Henry James Threw The Constituency Of Leicester Into A

great state of embarrassment by writing a letter to the Times, published on Tuesday, August 28th (the day before the election), questioning the validity of the mode of election......