1 SEPTEMBER 1917, page 3

We Have Written Eleewhere On President. Wilson's Answer...

Pope's peace proposals. The violence of the contrast between the whole-hearted resolution of the United States to-day and what Matthew Arnold might have called their " almost......

The Explanation Of This Change Is Really Quite Simple. The

Americans, having exhausted all the resources of reason and per- suasion in their long negotiations with an unscrupulous and merciless antagonist, recognize now that it is......

Inasmuch As The Reichstag Has Hitherto Had No Sort Of

hold over the Government And no right to co-operate in any way with the Federal Council, the "Imo Committee" is nominally a slight con- cession to the demand for Parliamentary......

Let Us Take Some Instances To Show What We Mean.

Every one, we supPose, has heard of the brilliant and daring work of Bias Gertrude-Bell. Before the war she was already famous as a daring traveller and a scholar in Oriental......

President Wilson, Having Considered The Eh: Ims Of The...

Powers which are adjacent to Germany and Austria, has decided that in future these neutrals cannot be allowed to draw any supplies from the United States that would either......

No One Will Be Able To Read The List Of

the decorations and medals given to working men and women without a sense of pride and a feeling that no rewards have been better earned. But here again wo think a bold......

The Allied Socialist And Labour Conference, Which Met At The

Central Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday and Wednesday, was even lees helpful than we expected it to be. The Socialists adopted the methods of " secret diplomacy " which they are......

Last Saturday Lists Were Published Of The First...

the two new Orders, the Order of the British Empire and the Order of Companions of Honour, which have been instituted by the King in recognition of services rendered by British......

Mr. Barnes, In A Statement Published On Monday, Described...

measures taken by the Government to allay industrial unrest, in accordance with the advice of the recent Commissions of Inquiry. Under the new Munitions Act, the grievances of......

We Are Quite Sure That The Lists Do Not Contain

the name of a single person who has not done something, and probably something handsome, to deserve distinction. Nevertheless, when we reflect that these new honours have been......

We Regret To Record The Death Of Lord Grey, At

the age of sixty-sir. He was a great Imperialist in the best sense of the word. As Administrator of Rhodesia from 1895 to 1897, when the Matabele rebelled and the Boers were......

Take Again The Case Of Mr. Stokes, The Inventor Of

the Stokes gun. No gun is better known in the trenches ; none has done more execution among the Germans, and none has proved a better or more trusty friend to the British......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., &oozed From 5i Per Cent.

April 5th.......