1 SEPTEMBER 1990, page 25

.war Veterans

Sir: I would be most grateful to any reader who might be able to help me to gather information about the following two American veterans of the first world war for a book I am......

Loyalty To The Shah

Sir: Your correspondent Taki (High life, 4 August) attacks Anthony Blunt's friends for defending him after his exposure, and appears to attack me for allegedly not defending the......

Down With Women

Sir: I admire Hugh Montgomery- Massingberd's articles on country houses and his editing of the Burke's genealogical books, but agreeable anecdotes and anti- quarianism are......

Vision Of The Past

Sir: My old friend Vane Ivanovic's charac- teristically self-righteous attack on Richard Bassett (Letters, 28 July) has been eagerly published here by the Serbian opposition......

Sir: Lord Thomas Of Swynnerton Still Hasn't Got It Quite

right (Letters, 28 July) re Hearst and Remington who, by the way, was a superb Western artist and sculptor, rather than cartoonist. Hearst's now famous reply was, 'You supply......


Sir: The Spectator was far too kind in heading the carping letter from Mr Clifford Gardner (25 August) 'Texan pedant', even though it came from that centre of scho- larship,......