20 AUGUST 1842, page 14


TEE Chinese folly appears to be advancing to a denouement. Among the Parliamentary notices of motions for next session, which impatient Members of the House of Commons have......

New Plays Of The Passions—terror.

THE effect of the news from the disturbed districts upon the Morn- ing Chronicle has been portentous. Never since Miss Griselda Oldbuck and Jenny Rintherout were terrified into......

Royal Studies.

THE Queen has been inspecting the "happy united family"—the miscellaneous assortment of cats, owls, rats, rabbits 6eldfares, hawks, and pigeons, which her liege subjects have......

Topics Of The Day.

ROYAL PROGRESSES. Tan Queen is about to amuse herself, and gladden her devoted subjects beyond the Tweed, with a Scottish tour : it is twenty years this very month since her......

Work For The Queen's Champions.

WE do not know whether this is Mr. Hoasmart's or Mr. BERKE- LEY'S month of office; but we would suggest to whichsoever of these two heroes may chance to be on duty, the......