20 AUGUST 1954, page 4

Co-existence Chinese Style

It might seem odd that the conference to prepare a treaty on the defence of South-East Asia should be announced from Washington at the moment when Chou-En-lai was toasting the......

Bad For Balletomanes

After the engineers and the railwaymen, the ballet dance Trouble on this unexpected sector of the industrial front ga balletomanes a nasty jolt when it was announced that 1......

Building The Defences

This is why the creation of SEATO is an essential accom- paniment to co-existence Chinese style. So long as the Chinese are intent on expanding, the remnants of non-Com- munist......

Senators, Communists, Criminals

The various measures for the outlawing of Communism and/or Communists in the United States, and the various political interests concerned, have recently been moving around with......

Portugal In India

Goa has not fallen. In the old city, among the crumhli baroque churches surrounded by malarial jungle, the body St. Francis Xavier lies still undecayed; and the veracity of t......