20 DECEMBER 1834, page 5


The Members of the Anti-Tory Association continue to meet almost daily. Thirty-five Members of Parliament are enrolled in its ranks. Mr. O'Connell talks of establishing an......

Tbr Cattntrvs The Taunton Courier Contains An Account Of A

very numerous meet. lag of the Reformers of West Somersetshire, held on Monday last, at the County Hall in Taunton. About three thousand persons were present. Resolutions......

The Poll For And Against The Birmingham Church-rate...

Saturday afternoon. The Church party were exceedingly enraged at the result, which gave a gross majority against the rate of 4976; the numbers being 6699 to 17: 1 2. The number......


When the Scotch Burgh Bill had passed all its stages in the Hoots of Commons lag year, Lord Brougham was exceedingly averse from. proceeding with it in the Lords, and strongly......