20 FEBRUARY 1875, page 3

The Election Law Will Have To Be Revised, And That

in this Session. A petition had been lodged against the return of Mr. Praed, the Conservative Member for the wretched little borough of St. Ives, in Cornwall, on the ground of......

The Army Estimates For The Year Are Out, And Provide

for a total force of 186,821 Regulars of all arms. Of these, 100,059 will be stationed at home, 23,912 in the Colonies (including 10,000 men in the Mediterranean), and 62,850 in......

The Second Reading Of The Bill For Legalising Marriage With

a deceased wife's sister was moved by the Common Serjeant on Wednesday, discussed after the usual fashion, with the display of the ancient arguments, and rejected by a majority......

A Frightful Case Of Extortion On The Part Of An

uncle towards his niece, which resulted apparently in the suicide of the latter, was brought to light in a coroner's inquest held on Tuesday, at the Windsor Castle, Charles......

The Most Serious Difficulty In The Way Of Mr. Cross's

plan is cost, and we are sorry to see that the last report of the Peabody "Trustees is not encouraging. The Trustees have now been some .years at work, but they have only......

It Appears To Be Believed In Paris That A Majority

has been secured for a Senate, on a compromise proposed by M. Wallon and accepted by Marshal MacMahon. According to this project, the Senate will consist of 250 members, of whom......

Consols Were At The Latest Date 921-921.


Mr. Horsman Reserved His Gravest Charges Against Mr....

in relation to the Liskeard election, for his letter of last Saturday,—being apparently irritated thereto by a very sharp letter of Mr. Courtney's, which appeared in the Times......

Mr. Cross's Bill For Pulling Down City Rookeries And...

the sites with barracks for artisans passed its second reading on Monday, under a shower of minute criticisms which would be better offered in Committee. The most important of......