20 NOVEMBER 1909, page 19

At The Meeting Of The Egypt Exploration Fund On Friday

week Lord Cromer spoke of "the administrative side of Egyptology." He regretted that Egyptology could not be conducted apart from politics, but, as a matter of fact, it was......

The Details Of The Indian Reform Scheme Were Published On

Monday in Calcutta. Its chief feature consists in the enlargement of the Imperial and Provincial Legislative Councils. This is effected by means of an elaborate system of......

We Are Sincerely Glad To See That Lord Monteagle's Vigorous

appeals for a conference, even at the eleventh hour, on the Irish Land Bill have met with a satisfactory response. When the Bill returned to the House of Lords on Wednesday,......

One Objection To This Statement Of The Free-trade Contro-...

requires a moment's consideration. "Instead of doing either of the things suggested above, a nation may buy the commodities it desires with its capital." No doubt. But this, it......

In Conclusion, Mr. Balfour Justified The Action Of The House

of Lords in referring the Budget to the people. He drew a. comparison between the action of the last Government with regard to Tariff Reform and the present attempt at creating......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

Oct. 21st Consols (2i) were on Friday 82i—Friday week 82g.......

A Country Can Obtain The Commodities It Desires In Two

ways,—either by making them itself or by making other things to exchange for them. Which of these two courses it shall take in each particular case ought to be decided by the......

We Come Back, Then, To The Fundamental Question: Will...

decide the better whether to make things for them- selves or to make commodities to exchange for them, or will the State be the better judge of which course is to be taken ? Not......

The Times Was Able On Tuesday To Publish Telegrams Of

comment upon the reforms from two of the leaders of the Indian Mohammedans. The first, from his Highness the Aga Khan, president of the All-India Moslem League, supported the......