20 OCTOBER 1860, page 21

Prices Current.

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Seturd. Monday. Townley. lredesaa. There. Priddy. S per Cent Consols 921 all 923 , 921 92 1.21 Ditto for Account 93 921 921 92 92 93 per Cents......

Lint Arts.

The colossal statue of St. Charles Borromeo, which stands on a hill near Arena, overlooking the Lago Maggiore, has lately been ascended, like Mont Blanc and other places......


On the 16th of August, at Government House, Hongkong, the Honourable Lady Robinson, of a daughter. On the 6th of October, at Haarlem, the Wife of J. G. C. L. Newnham, Esq.,......