21 APRIL 1900, page 14

The So - Called " Stupid " Officer.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Is the average British officer really stupid? Unwilling as Britain needs must be to admit the impeachment, she is in a strait oetween two......

Mr. Cronwright-schreiner And The Dutch.

[To THE EDITOlt OP TIIE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I be permitted to criticise the following sentence in the speech of Mr. Cronwright-Schreiner as reported at the Café Atonic()......

White And Black.

(To T ILE r.Di rnn of THE "SPECCAFOR.1 Sin,—The letter of your correspondent "L. S." is one breathing fully the spirit of the former slave-owners of the Southern States of the......

The " Spectator " In South Africa.

[TO THE EDETOI: OF TLIE 'SPECTATOR.'] Sin,—The following is from a letter I have received by the last mail from the Rev. John Smith Moffat, of Cape Town, a high authority on......

A Humble Criticism. [to The Chltoit 0 , Tile " ,...

have lately read a novel entitled "Parson Kelly." I did so under the impression that it was a sort of historical romance referring to the Jacobite conspiracy, and because one of......