21 AUGUST 1852, page 10

The Norwich Festival Is To Be Held On The 21st,

22d, 23d, and 24th days of September, under the musical direction of Mr. Benedict. The principal singers are Madame Viardot-Garcia, Madame Fiorentini, Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss......

We Have Already Given A Summary Of The Arrangements For

the ap- proaching Birmingham Festival, and our present number contains the de- tailed programme. From the magnitude of the preparations, and the remarkably judicious selection......

Igratrro Anti Zugir.

Monsieur Jullien, after all, will never be anything more than a com- poser of quadrilles and waltzes and a conductor of promenade concerts. This is his proper vocation—his lad,......

Money Market.

Srocx EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arrzawoow. In the English Stock Market, Government Securities have undergone several fluctuations during the week ; the unsettled state of the weather......