21 MARCH 1868, page 1

Mr. Gregory,—who, Though Sitting On The Liberal Side Of The

House, is a half-Conservative,—he was one of the great political allies of Mr. Jefferson Davis a few years ago,—followed Mr. Butler-Johnstone, and delivered a speech rather less......

Of Mr. Gladstone's Great Speech We Have Spoken So Much

at length elsewhere that here we need only say that his attack both on the proposed University and on the let-alone Church policy was received with great enthusiasm on the......

The Last Night Of The Debate, Monday, Was Opened By

Mr. Monsell in the dull and cautious, but fortunately short speech, of a Roman Catholic ex-official treading on delicate ground, and not quite comfortable as to the disposition......

Mr. Disraeli's Reply Was One Of His Most Felicitous Displays

of intellectual pluck, and certainly the most utterly infelicitous of all his many infelicitous suppressions of logic. " Laughter " occurs in the Times' report of his speech......

The Irish Debate Was Resumed Yesterday Week By Mr....

Fortescue, but the speech of the evening,—in many ways the great speech of the debate—was Mr. Bright's, of the power of which we have attempted to give some impression in......

News Of The Week.

T HE struggle of the session commences on Monday or Tuesday night, when Mr. Gladstone will produce the text of his resolu- tion for the disendowment of the Irish Church, and......