21 MARCH 1931, page 14


Adamas and Eva WmLom ther was, dwellyng in Paradys Our fader Adamas with Eve hys wyf. They nere not sinful folk in any wys But angelyk they lived, withouten stryf : They moughte......

A Hundred Years Ago

THE " SPECTATOR," .MARCH 19m, 1831. NEWS OF THE WEEK. The Ministers were last night outvoted by 236 to 190 on the question of the Timber-duties—notwithstanding an attempt to......


A LETTER FROM SPAIN—A TALK WITH DON RAMIRO DR MaErru. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sue,—While the mot d'ordre of the day in Madrid is still " sincerity "—for the present......