21 MARCH 1941, page 24

W H Irligig Hester Lynch Piozzi (mrs. Thrale). By James...

(Oxford. 2I5.) IF Dr. Johnson had not been so fond of dinners and idleness and of the company of a woman who was able to appreciate his ponderous wit and endure his frightful......

The Man Of Bedford Park

Richard Norman Shaw, 1831.1912. By Sir Reginald Blomfield, R.A. (B. T. Batsford. 12 s. 6d.) SIR REGINALD BLOMFIELD is of opinion that Norman Shaw is almost forgotten. Though few......

An American's Shakespeare

Shakespeare. By Mark Van Doren. Wien and Unwin. 12s. 6d.) MATTHEW ARNOLD'S famous statement about Shakespeare that others abide our questions, but that he is free, may have......