21 MAY 1881, page 15


[TO Tits EDITOR OF TI119 "SPEOTITOR.1 Sin,—If Mr. Romance would prove what he asserts, that th opponents of Vivisection are pursuing a harmless Will-or , the- Wisp (I quote his......

The Bishops And Sunday Trains. [to Tue Editor Of Tue

4 , SPECTATOR :1 SIR,—Dr. Littledale is mistaken in saying that all the Bishops signed the memorial about Sunday trains. Bishop Hampden, of Hereford, did not sign it. The only......

The Ornaments Rubric.

[TO TTIE EDITOR OF " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—That there may be such a thing as law by misadventure —say, through some marvel of misinterpretation fallen into by an exceptionally able......

Ambiguity Of The Ornaments Rubric.

[TO TES EDITOR OF TER " SPEOTAT011.") S 111 ,—There is an error in your article on this subject last week, which I am sure you will allow me to point out as it seems to be a......