21 MAY 1932, page 11

The Other Bunch Of Mistletoe Was On A Gnarled And

shrivelled oak that looked as if it might have survived from the days of the Druids, those oak-worshippers. This bunch keeps its leaves, but the old, old host is so short of sap......

Now, Kew Is Sanctuary In Some Measure For Birds And

tnammals as well as plants ; and among its quadrupeds the grey squirrels have found there Paradisal amenities : plenty Of trees to climb ; human food and nature's food in......

Now For The Second Curiosity. This Also Comes From Kew

Gardens, where the Director and his gardeners have time to observe other than merely botanical aspects of the Gardens. On an ordinary day in any autumn or winter month you will......

The. Swarming Bee.

Bee-keeping seems to be on the increase in Britain ; and the science of it grows in curious precision. Bees are now being scientifically bred for the inherited quality of......

Country Life

MISTLETOE HOSTS. Several curiosities of nature that have just come to my notice may be worth recording, though they may be common- places to local doctors or professors : one of......

Blue Superstitions.

A quaint comment on the fashion in blue borders and blue gardens, of which something was said in this place a few weeks ago, appears in a charming little French book, Laura's......

Before Leaving Kew And Its Curiosities I Must Record The

queer choice for a nest of one of the scores of blackbirds, whose mates fill the Gardens with melody. She has built on a semi-tropical plant in a hothouse. The heat is enough to......