21 MAY 1965, page 5

Sarah Gainham Writes From Bonn:

The weather is playing it English, which is the same as saying Rhineland weather, so that nobody can be sure whether it will rain or shine; and the crowds have taken a little......

Oxford Marijuana Galore ?

TIM HEALD writes: Oxford University's reputation, never particu- larly stable, seems over the past few weeks to have plumbed depths unknown since the days of Gibbon. Apart from......

Christopher Booker Writes: Although I Never Understood...

Wel- don's absurd theory of Organic and Mechanical States when it was applied to political systems, I do understand it when it is applied to magazines. There are (outside the......

Efta Mr. Wilson's Summit

PAUL LEWIS writes from Brussels : The Common Market was surprised by Mr. Wilson's decision to turn next week's EFTA ministerial meeting in Vienna into a full-scale inquiry into......