21 NOVEMBER 1835, page 4

There Was A Meeting Of The Banbury Agricultural...

Tuesday ; but nothing worth particular notice occurred, except the con- fession of Mr. Cartwright, M.P. for Northamptonshire,—certainly one of the most intelligent of the Tory......

A Memorial Having Been Presented To The Duke Of Norfolk,

for a piece of ground on which to build a new church, the following is, we believe, a correct copy of his Grace's reply- - Farnham, 29th October 1935. " Gentlemen—I have......

A Meeting Of The Shropshire Central Association Was Held On

Sa- turday, in Shrewsbury; when the same topics that formed the staple of the Yorkshire harangues were discussed. There were many gentle- . xneti of property and influence......


It maybe now considered almost certain that Messrs. O'Connell and Ruthven will retain their seats for Dublin. The case of the petitioners mainly rested on their being able to......

On Saturday, 120 Gentlemen And Farmers, Members Of The...

Central Agricultural Association, had their annual dinner at the Mer- chants' Hall in York. The following are mentioned as some of the more distinguished persons present,—the......

On Saturday Night Last, Some Persons Broke Into Sir...

Can- ning's residence at St. Leonard's; where they set out supper, and having regaled themselves with all they could find, afterwards departed with the fragments.—Brighton......