21 OCTOBER 1848, page 9

The Lord-lieutenant Of Ireland, With The Countess Of...

their four children, left Dublin yesterday morning at seven o'clock, :on a short visit to The Grove, their seat near Watford, in Hertfordshire. Meagher's trial, at Clonmel,......

" There Were Yesterday Three Cases Of Cholera Notified From

Clapham, one from a vessel off Billingsgate ' and one in the Millbank Penitentiary. It was also notified yesterday th at one decided case of cholera had occurred at York, one......

Postscript. Saturday.

When the advices of the 15th instant left Vienna, the position of the several parties seemed to be not much changed relatively to each other, but to be growing hourly more......

The Queen Has Ordained A Special Statute Of The Order

of the Bath, for appointing Lieutenant Herbert Benjamin Edwardes of the East India Company's service, to be an extra member of the third class of Military Knights Companions.......

The Theatres.

The great interest excited this week by the appearance of two young English singers, who, though not quite new to the public, may yet be re- garded as debutante on the stage, is......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The events in Germany have operated prejudicially upon the Stock Market. The price of Consols, which had declined upon the intelligence of the......