22 APRIL 1871, page 3

Just As Protection Is Losing Ground In America, It Is

winning it in Australia. The Melbourne correspondent of the Times says that the popular cry during the elections then proceeding was for a 25 or 30-per-cent. duty on every......

The Birmingham Nonconformists Had A Meeting On Tuesday...

Mr. Miall's coming motion for the separation of Church and State, at which they resolved that "the national sanction , given to the theological creed and ecclesiastical policy......

Consols Were On Friday 93 To 93i.


It Is To Be Wished That Chancellors Of The Exchequer

would sometimes remember the exceeding ignorance of other people. Mr. Lowe is going to borrow the Permanent Suitors' deposit in the Court of Chancery, of about 2.56,000,000, at......

Mr. Torpey Promises To Be Rather An Interesting...

appears from the evidence given at the examination that he sent for Mr. Ryder, and tried to give him information as to the fate of his diamonds, naming the Dutch merchants who......

The Times Of Last Monday Had A Telegraphic Report From

Phila- delphia that the Joint High Commission had signed a convention - for the settlement of the Alabama claims,—the contracting par- ties agreeing to a rule that a neutral is......

A Fierce Discussion Has Been Going On As To Mr.

Tom Taylor's right to burn Joan of Arc upon the stage. Mrs. Rousby is tied -every night to the stake, with the faggots, &c., round her, flames break out, and in short the scene......

Dr. Diillinger Has Been Excommunicated By The Archbishop...

and the Telegraph says,—we know not on what autho- rity, —that he has been visited with the "major excommunication." This is a serious step, as it of course involves the future......

Mr. Reed, Of Hackney, On Tuesday Brought Up The Old

proposal -that no letters should be delivered on Sunday in the country, as the rural postmen wanted their day of rest, and Mr. (3-ladstone promised an official inquiry into the......

The Friends Of The Marquis Of Normanby Gave Him A

dinner on Wednesday, to celebrate his appointment as Governor of Queens- land. Lord Kimberley was present, and must have been a little astonished to hear Lord Normanby declare......