22 APRIL 1916, page 11

A Great-hearted Soldier. (to The Emma Or The "breen:roe.'j

SIR, —I beg to quote an extract from the letter of a soldier in Flanders written to his parents upon the receipt of the news that his brother had been killed in action. I send......

Doing Their Bit.... •

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOIL'i SIR, —The enclosed forms part of a letter from my son, a lad of eighteen years, who left his Public School as a prefect, in his eleven, &c.,......

A Soldier's View.

[TO THE EDITOR 01 Till " BPECTAT01.1 Sra,—Your paper provides a moral stimulus for soldiers. To-day I read three extracts from last week's number to my men. You will be able to......

Letters To The Editor.

A SOLDIER'S POEM. !To eel EDITOR OF SRI " SPECTATOR...) Sta,—I have received the enclosed cutting from a friend in New Zealand. "I out these lines," she says, "out of a Napier......

Letters To Children From The Trenches. [1.1 , -as Editor Op

THE SPECTLT013.1 _ . a Sur,—Here is another letter from tine — Tohn to NUB). phels very sad just now, as she will never see again her dear 1Truileaaos.—.: who was mentioned in......

America And The War.

[To THE EDITOR 07 TEE SPECTATOR:1 Em,—In your issue of March 18th, under "News of the Week," you state " The first meeting held in the United States since the beginning of the......