22 APRIL 1960, page 16

Holidays With Prejudice

is always a pleasure to read Mr. Bernard Levin and I was particularly pleased to read his attack on employers who operate a colour bar. I was distressed, however, that he should......

El Dorado

SIR. In your April 1 issue, Penelope Gilliatt has written a chatty article on 'El Dorado,' marred slightly for me by the nagging overtones of bitterness toward things......


The Show of Evil BRIEN By ALAN The Merchant of Venice. (Stratford - upon - Avon.) —What Every Woman Knows. (Old Vic.)— Sam, the Highest Jumper of Them All. (Theatre Royal,......

Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament Sir,—if The Flowing Tide...

is to be channelled into effective political action during the next few months, the Campaign must have funds. May I appeal to all who marched with us in the flesh or in spirit......