22 DECEMBER 1832, page 2

At Oporto, It Appeal Frog The Co Eiponddece Of 'me

`Mmes, the condition of the besiegers and the besieged remains as it has been for some weeks past. Shells and balls.are thrown into the e town with great perseverance, and......

As Row Tot Williams .. 1 - Laer(notiris) Lord - Ossulston- 1

BEErsruaE ...• Mr:Palmer...4.. .-- I NOTTINDHADISHIRELOTII•Lumley . - 1 .614LEssa Sirli..B..Bulkeley 1 NonTannaza- Vint. Howick.. , 1 AYLESBURY Mr. Ricktird ... • 1- Norm:venial......

Bkra.-.the Most Violent , Opponent Of Mr. Roebuck 'at...

a Mr: Blake`Foster. It appearithat the eleetion being over; Ma'. buck's friends were anxious that •the:difference between :him and-IVIr. Foster s'hould":be made up. :Mr.-Roebuck......

The Times Ot . .riclay Obtains Further'earrespondtmee...

but iheie :deou meats: have, for then present at least, lost--all- interest. They may `t4niah texts,,foF Parliamentary;:sPeedlesi . ivW bardir:b0,i$Pliliryea for Other ImirPos%......