22 JANUARY 1954, page 13

Wonder Whether You Would Permit Me To Raise A Small

protest against one statement made by Sir Compton Mackenzie in his otherwise admirable discussion of salaries in the teaching professions. Sir Compton declares that the task of......

Sir,—in Spreading His Mantle Of Equality Over All...

last week's ' Sidelight,' Sir Compton Mackenzie slipped past the real point of the AMA's threat to strike. This was to protest against just that equality or parity of esteem'......

Sir,—the Article By Sir Compton Mackenzie In Your Issue Of

January 15th does well to draw attention to the fact that the grievances of schoolteachers extend also to University staffs. What is not generally appreciated, however, is that......

&tiers To The Editor

TEACHERS' SALARIES U 1 ,-1 was delighted to read in your last number Compton Mackenzie arguing so downrightly for greater consideration for teachers and incidentally, I hope,......