22 JUNE 1850, page 7

(at Tout The Queen Remained At Osborne Till Tuesday, And

was visited there by the Prince Augustus of Saxe Coburg Gotha and the Princess Clementine. The Chevalier Bunsen also accepted the honour of an invitation to Os- borne for a day......

Lathatto Nub Vrortaings Iu Fnrliaulrai.

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. 11m:sr, or Loans. Monday, June 17. Lord Brougham and Chevalier Bunsen— The Greek QaaPrei ; Lord Stanley's Motion, carried against Ministers by......

T 4r Vrtruintis.

The East India Company has given a sumptuous banquet in honour of General Jung Rahadoor's visit to this country, as Ambassador from their neighbour and ally the Rajah of Nepaul.......