22 JUNE 1872, page 15

The Dean Of Westminster's Edinburgh Lectures.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] beg to thank my courteous critic for his letter. Having called his attention to a statement of fact, I need not follow him into matters of......

"optional Ateianasianism."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The case of "optional" versus "compulsory Athanasianism" may be simply stated in the familiar formula that "half a loaf is better than......

The Chesterfield Letters.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Stu,—In your article this day upon the Chesterfield Correspondence, you refer to "the early letters of Lord Chesterfield, addressed to his......


[SECOND NOTICE] WHEN Mr. P. Graham first attracted general attention with his powerful and promising picture, "A Spate in the Highlands," there were a few admirers who thought......

The Bennett Judgment.

go THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR "] :SIR, —The conspicuous candour, which is not the least merit of the Spectator, makes me willing to believe that you will answer two questions......