22 MARCH 1924, page 2

As We All Want The Same Thing, We Must Condemn

the methods recommended by the Pacifists, not their spirit. Obviously the right course is to defend ourselves soberly and reasonably, while leaving no stone unturned to bring......

Although The Miners ' Dispute Has Not Been Settled And The

time is running out, there are grounds for hope. The mineowners are evidently anxious not to repeat the mistakes of the dock employers, and they have gone an appreciable way......

The Situation In India Is Both Difficult And Dark. Dark

in the sense that it is almost impossible for us in this country to judge of its real character. Last week there was some hope that the Assembly would not reject the Budget. But......

On Thursday, March 13th, The Government Suffered Their...

No principle was involved, but in any case Mr. MacDonald, after all that he has said, would not have been expected to resign. The Government have steadily been getting into......

The Delegates' Conference Will Apparently Not Come To A...

until March 26th. At one moment it seemed likely that the Government might transform the whole situation by introducing legislation for a minimum wage. Such legislation,......

Not That We Want To Underrate The Importance Of Private

members' time. Indeed, we want to see private members much more generously treated, for they always stand in the way of an unwholesome stereotyping of business. But these days......

On Monday In The House Of Commons The Socialist, Or

Pacifist, amendment to which we have already referred was .brought forward to reduce the Army by 150,000 men. This would leave only 11,000 men for the defence of the country.......

The Principal Subject Of Debate On This Day's Considera-...

of the Army Estimates was the case of the ex-ranker officers. It will be remembered that last week the War Office issued a White Paper which proved how rash Mr. Ramsay MacDonald......

Last Week We Expressed Our Fear That President Cosgrave Had

made a dangerous concession to the mutineers in Ireland. The papers of Thursday morning confirmed this fear. General Mulcahy, the Free State Minister of Defence, has resigned in......