22 MARCH 1946, page 24

Shorter Notices

Georgian London. By John Summerson. (Pleiades Books. 21s.) THE e ghteenth century is the glorious century for our city archi- tecture, and there is no better authority on the......


ONE of the most popular characters in fiction is that favourite child of universal comedy, the little man who is always in difficulties but always triumphant, who is assailed by......

Au Pays De La Magie. By Henri Michaux. (horizon. Los.

6d.) Tits small paper-covered volume is the shortest work—and the first available in England—of a French writer who before the war was very little known even in his own country.......

The Story Of Burma. By F. Tennyson Jesse. (macmillan: Los.

6d.) IT seems but Yesterday that Fielding Hall wrote The Soul of a People. Everyone agreed that the Burmese were not only a gentle and charming race ; they were also the most......