22 NOVEMBER 1930, page 10

We Agree With The Critics That There Are Already Plenty

of demonstration farms, but it seems that Dr. Addison has in view rationalized farms such as certainly have never existed here. His proposal is really a proposal for research,......


The Polish General Election has appreciably helped Marshal Pilsudski to build up that Parliamentary majority which he has always wanted. Cynical onlookers have wondered why he......

A Letter From Mr. Wilson Harris, Which We Print Else-

where, confirms our view that those who have been immersed in this subject for years, in the Preparatory Commission, or in connexion with the League of Nations Union, cannot see......

A Travesty Of Disarmament

The ease for direct limitation of armaments has been allowed to go by default. British policy appears to us as wrong as it is ignominious. In view of the serious increase in......


In the House of Commons on Monday there was a debate on Palestine, and though there was plenty of criticism of the Government there was a welcome change from the rash tendency......

A Commission Of Budgetary Experts Is To Study Ways And

means, and to report at an early date so that the full Conference may not be delayed. The Italian Govern- ment maintains its naval offer to France of " parity downwards," but......

A Spanish General Strike

The threat by the Spanish Federation of Building Trades--which had a grievance against the Government on account of hasty action by a police officer—was carried out last "......

The Land Bill

On Tuesday the Government, enthusiastically helped by Mr. Lloyd George, carried the second reading of their Land Utilization Bill by a majority of 81. The Unionist attack upon......