22 SEPTEMBER 1860, page 22

Prices Ciirrert.

935 935 shut abut shut shut shut 931 935 985 931 93; 935 2184 • 4 BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &aura. Monday. Tuesday. Wants, 218 1 pm. 4 pm. FrldsY. 5.41 431 Thurs. 218 • l......

The Norwich Feetiiel.:kne Been The Musical Event Of The...

It was splendidly succensfel r iuid has brought back the days of old when the Norwich Festivals were:preeminent among all the ,provincial-music- meetings lathe kingdom. As we......


PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 18. -•laikrapts,-EbwAab Cloinak - WALEMI,.BreWhOUlle Yard, St. John Street, Clerk- enwell,% annatto-amoufacturer-Savirto ,Ltiegemen, White ,......

Fist Arts.

'The 'decay of the frescoes in the Houses of Parliament is again the serious subject of discussion amongst the painters, and those who are naturally anxious that such important......

We Hear, Says The Atheneum, That The Duke Of Somerset

and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have purchased the splendid model of Blake, designed by Mr. Bally, with a view to its being placed in Greenwich Hos- pital. .......