22 SEPTEMBER 1894, page 1

It Is Probable, However, That He Will Have Another Army

to 'fight. The Chinese Government, which expected the fall of Ping-Yang, despatched seven steam transports fall of troops —mostly the fierce natives of Hunan—under convoy of......

News Of The Week.

T HE Japanese have won the first great battle with the Chinese. The latter, twenty thousand strong, commanded by the celebrated General Tso, who crushed Yakoob Beg in Kashgar,......

By Far The Most Serious Result Of The Japanese Victory

is its effect on Chinese opinion. The people of Pekin and Shanghai are, it is said, in consternation, and there is a kind of anarchy in the Palace, the young Emperor blaming his......

The Battle Off The Yaloo Is The First Great Naval

engagement which has occurred since iron superseded wooden men-of-war, and the interest taken in the struggle in all Admiralties is intense. Details, however, are required......

The Madagascar Consul In London Told " Reuter" On Tuesday

that he thought M. de Milers would hardly ask from Madagascar so much as was proposed. He would ask an acknowledgment of the Protectorate, and this the Hovas would grant ; but......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, October 131k, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......

Ii` E * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...
