22 SEPTEMBER 1906, page 22

Somersetshire Parishes. By Arthur L. Humphreys. 2 Vols....

..t2 7s. 6d. net.)—The sub-title of this book is "A Handbook of Historical Reference to All Places in the County." We may take "Clevedon" as an example. Here the references are......

C. Rini Caeei/i. Sectmdi Epistularum Liber Sextus. Edited By

I. D. Duff, M.A. (Cambridge University Press. 2s. 6d.)—This Sixth Book contains, among other interesting letters, the two in which Pliny describes the eruption of Vesuvius and......

My Experiences Of The Island Of Cyprus. By B. Stewart.

(Skeffington and Son. 6s.)—Mr. Stewart visited gyprus for the first time to assist in the building of a railway. This brought him into closer contact with the natives than......

Pribbles And Prabbles: Rambling Reflections On Varied...

late Major-General Patrick Maxwe]l. (8keffington and Son. 10s. net.)—This is certainly one of the books which may be read without flagging of interest from cover to cover.......

C. Julius Caesar. We Do Not Agree With Him When

he speaks of the "judicial murder" of the Catilinarians. Of all the many victims of civil strife in Rome, Catiline and his friends best deserved their fate. His translation of......

We Have Received The Seventh Volume Of The Linguistic Survey

of India, Compiled and Edited by G. A. Grierson, C.I.E., Litt.D., &c. (Government Printing Press, Calcutta). It deals with the Southern Group of the Indian Aryan Family.......

Messrs. J. M. Dent And Co. Publish A Third Instalment

(fifty volumes) of their " Everyman's Library" (Is. and 2s. net per vol.) In " Biography " there is Wesley's Journal (4) ; among the "Children's Books" is Kingsley's Heroes ; in......

Neolithic Man In North - East Surrey, By Walter Johnson...

Wright (Elliot Stock), has been issued in a cheaper form (3s. 6d. net). The region thus described is bounded by lines drawn on the north between Kingston and Mitcham, and on the......

The Interlinear Bible, 1611 - 1885. (cambridge University...

volume shows in a new and convenient arrangement matter which is already familiar to students of the Bible. In fact, it displays the differences between the Authorised Version......

The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. 300, February — .tune,...

glad to see that " Sylvanns Urban" has made up Ws mind to return to the old form of his magazine. There is an abundance, possibly a superfluity, of periodicals which give us......