23 AUGUST 1828, page 9

Topics Of The Day.

IT is an agreeable reflection for the panic-loving inhabitants of Great Britain, that so long as the world rolls round the sun, there is reason for hoping that Providence will......

State Of Opinion On The Catholic Question.

GLOBE—The violent Orange papers, both in England and Ireland. are attempting to frighten the Duke of Wellington from the conciliatoty course towards the Catholics of Ireland, on......

The Duke Of Clarence's Resignation Explained.

MORNISG CtilIONICLE—The resignation of the Duke of Clarence pro- ceeded from an honourable and spirited feeling in his Royal Highness, and augurs well for the character of his......

The Law Of Blockade.

THE PRESS. MORNING CHRONICLE.—The question of blockade (in the cases of Oporto and Madeira) reduces itself to a very narrow compass ; and it is only the confusion of intellect......