23 AUGUST 1963, page 6

The Mischief-maker

From SARAH GAINHAM BONN TN the exaggerated internal political weights _Vied to the agreement to the test-ban treaty by the Federal Government, the treaty's very limited content......

Chicken War

When I was driving up through the South Mid- lands and into Lincolnshire last week I was constantly reminded of America's very odd dis- pute with the Common Market by the sight......

Private Eye 'claud Cockburn.' Havus Of The New S'tatc.1- Man

announced last week. 'has swept into Private Eye ... like a gust of bracing wind.' The issue of August 9 was, however, much the mixture as before. Its cover was decorated with......

A Spectator's Notebook

T is a little sad to see the vision of itself that 'Oxford still seems to love best: to judge by the iconographic evidence, the ideal city exists in a perpetual summer morning,......

Science Centre

What ails Oxford, and perhaps England too, is epitomised by the proposals for squeezing the new science centre of the university into a few bits and pieces of vacant ground as......