23 JANUARY 1847, page 13

Programme Of The Italian Opera Season.

The lessee of her Majesty's Theatre has put an end to the rumours, sur- mises, and conflicting assertions ' which have been current as to the opera- tions of the approaching......

Topics Of The Day

THE SEATS. THE principal seat on the Opposition side of the House of Com- mons may now be called the Omnibus Bench, so heterogeneous is its tenantry. There seems to have been a......

The ..theatres.

The manages* seem now to be reposing on the strength of their Christ- mas attractions, and novelties are not forthcoming. The French Theatre alone presents an appearance of......

Progress Of Opinion In Poor-law Affairs. The General...

the references to Ireland, on the opening night of the session, indicated a maturing disposition to extend the English Poor-law to that country ; and in Ireland itself the......

East India Shipping.

Aasrren—At Gravesend, 17th Jan. Charles Carter, Broad, from Mauritius. In the Moen's, 224, Protector, Graham, from Manila ; Asia, Tremlin, from Calcutta ; Dutcheas of Leinster,......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, DUDA! .ARTERWOOW. ' The Bank Directors have raised their rate of discount still farther—tuuttely, to 4 per cent. The Funds, which had declined about 1 percent......