23 JANUARY 1971, page 20

R. C. Zaehner On Natural Religions

This is a very personal book by a botanist whose close contact with Nature gives him not only a lively interest in all natural things but also a reverence for them and a sense......

Brian Wormald On Butterfield

For the generation now in its twenties, it may be difficult to understand the power ex- ercised over the undergraduate mind twenty years ago by the author of The Whig......

The Book Khrushchev Remembers, To Which Tibor Szamuely...

his article last week, is published in the United Kingdom by Andre Deutsch Ltd at 75s.......

Readers Of The 'spectator' Can Bind Their Copies Week By

week in a special binding case, with r stifl dark blue covers and gilt-lettered spine, designed to hold twenty-six issues. The ,binder is obtainable price £1 post free, from the......