23 JULY 1831, page 13

Postscript To The Week's News.

SPECTATOR OFFICE, SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. The contents of a private express which has been received from Paris not having yet transpired, we are quite destitute of news this......

From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, .july 19.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. COLLINSON and YouNoirusRAND, Newcastle-upon - Tyne, milliners—Witsom and TURNER, Old Cavendish Street, Oxford Street, tailors—J. and W. DAvls, Lan-......

The Church.

The Rev. J. Huyshe, RI.A. of Brasennose College, Oxford, has been appointed to the Prebend of Cotton, in the Castle of Exeter, vacant by the death of the Rev. J. Pitman. Patron,......

East India Shipping.

Arrived. At Gravesend, July 19th, Orontes, Baker, from Bengal and Madras; Frances, Chalmers, from the Mauritius ; Dryade, Heard, from New South Wales; and Lavinia, Brooks, from......

The Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENINC.—Consols closed on Saturday at 83/, flat. The flatness was chiefly attributed to some very large sales of Exchequer Bills by the Bank of England,......

The Army.

WAR-Orrice, July 19.-2nd Regt, of Life Guards: A. C. Streatfield, Gent. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice 5Iartyn, promoted-10th Light Dra- goons: Cornet J. Rowley......

The Universities. Cambridge.

JULY 23.—The following Gentlemen of this University4vere lately ordained by the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry :—Deacons—J. Colley, B.A. St. John's Cotlege; W. M.......

Edinburgh Improvements.—it Will Afford Satisfaction To...

Scotland to learn, that the improvements which are already far advanced for the benefit and adornment of the Northern metropolis, are now about to be completed. The Committee of......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 8th inst. at Belvoir Park, county Down, Ireland, the Lady of Sir ROBERT BATEsoN, Bart. of a son. On the 16th inst. at his house at Kew, the Lady of the Rev. R. W.......