23 JULY 1954, page 29

The Twentieth Century. (july, 1954. 3s.)

THE Twentieth Century, founded in 1877 as the Nineteenth Century, is currently the youngest-seeming monthly. Lively, en- quiring, controversial yet responsible, it has recently......

Other Recent Books

Islam. By Alfred Guillaume. (Pelican. 2s.) THIS brief introduction to the study of Islam andits institutions will serve both the student and the general reader, since Professor......

The Heron. By Frank A. Lowe. (collins. 18s.)

FEW birds are studied by the casual observer with more interest than the. heron, and Frank A. Lowe's monograph should be enthusiastically received. He is well qualified for the......

A Biographical Dictionary Of English Archi- Tects, 1600...

Colvin. (John Murray. 70s.) THERE is no longer any excuse for the reckless ascription of all interesting buildings to one or other of the great quartet: Inigo Jones, Wren, Adams......

The Standard Book Of Shakespeare Quota- Tions. Compiled...

by Burton Stevenson. (Mayflower 42s.) SIIAKESPEARE, the old crack says, is full of quotations. Well, here are 600 pages of them listed under subjects, which range......

Mr. Argenti Has Added Another To The Long List Of

scholarly studies which have come from him for over twenty years on his native island of Chios. A perfectionist par excellence, he• laments the 'defects and lacunae' of his......