23 JUNE 1860, page 11

The Queen Gave A State Ball Last Night At Buckingham

Palace, to which nearly 2000 distinguished persons were invited. The annual dinner of the Society of Arts took place yesterday evening in St. James's Hall. Mr. Disraeli was the......


SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The House of Commons sat yesterday morning and evening, to dis- pose of pressing business. The morning Flitting was occupied by a debate in Committee on the......


A set of papers illustrating the circumstances that led to the recall of Sir Charles Trevelyan have been presented to Parliament. They comprise minutes, despatches, statistical......

The Court Of Queen's Bench Has Been Occupied With An

extraordinary ease, an action for slander, brought by a Mr. Stone, formerly in the army, against Lord Llanover. It arose out of imputations on the character of Mr. Stone, of a......