23 JUNE 1894, page 3

Mrs. Humphry Ward Delivered A Lecture At The Essex Hall,

Strand, on Tuesday, on "Unitarianism and the Future," in which she found fault with the Unitarians on three grounds : (1), That they still give too much prominence to certain......

Mr. Cecil Rhodes Takes Himself Very Seriously Indeed, And Is

quite hurt that he is: not allowed to settle the fiscal policy of the Empire. He recently offered, it appears, that all the South African States south of the Zambesi should......

Mr. Jesse Collings, Who Signed The General Report Of The

Labour Commission, has added a series of observations on his own behalf, dealing with the condition of the English agri- cultural labourers. It has been shown, he says, that the......

The Difficulty For Foreigners Of Comprehending The...

Norway is to understand whether the Nor- wegians are prepared for an armed struggle with Sweden. If they are not, their action seems to be unreasonable ; and if -they are,......

It Is Evident That The Archbishop Of Canterbury Is Rather

unfortunate in the reports of his speeches at the National Society. On Tuesday, he declared that he never had said at that Society's meetings the things which had given pain to......

The Times Of Saturday Last Calls Attention To An Interesting

report lately made by the inspectors of Irish lunatic asylums. Between 1851 and 1891, the insane of all classes increased 200 per cent., and this in face of a decreasing......

Mr. Balfour Made A Speech On Thursday To The Noncon-

formist Unionist Association in theMemorial Hall, Farringdon Street, which the Daily Chronicle of yesterday characterised as probably the most inept performance of any modern......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday, 101.1.......