23 NOVEMBER 1907, page 27

The Convert. By Elizabeth Robins. (methuen And Co. 6s.)—...

book is not a novel, but a tract with a purpose, that purpose being the advocacy of women's suffrage. Such being the case, it is impossible for the reader to complain, as ho......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.1 Mr. W. S. Lilly has collected in Many Mansions (Chapman and Hall, 12s.......

Criminals And Crime. By Sir Robert Anderson. (j. Nisbet And

Co. 5s. net.)—Sir Robert Anderson has much to tell us that is worth hearing ; the more he draws on his own experience the more instructive he is. Here is an example. Crime is......

Her Convict. By M. E. Braddon. (hurst And Blackett. Os.)—

"Miss Braddon" might have written this story forty years ago, save, it may be, for an occasional anachronism,—we did not think so much in those days, for instance, about......


A SUBALTERN OF HORSE.* "THE Intelligence Officer" has proved himself to be such a vivid recorder of events that his latest incursion into the domain of fiction naturally arouses......

Readable Novzas.—three Speeds Forward. By Lloyd Osbourno....

3s. 6d.)—A series of entertaining motoring adventures told by their heroine.—The Given Proof. By Mrs. II. H. Penrose. (T. Werner Laurie. 6s.)—A story of England and Florida,......