23 NOVEMBER 1945, page 21

Solution To Crossword No. 348

'1312p.1eLl s: P E 12_;N 0'1 JA Ma.P111_01111E MEN 95Y Ei' 8 ;R I ;T'E'S r.f!A LD U!A 111Ul. F$P Licip L 76A2'1!C , 1 _,N AOL. S j b E a:J.c ILIE N e T A A I L. IL EID I AP.4 I......

" The Spectator " Crossword No. 350

IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to he sender of the first correct 5.,:azion of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, D ocember 4 th.......