23 OCTOBER 1971, page 22

Sexy Us

Sir: Let me hasten to smooth down poor Edward J. Bander's ruffled little conscience (Letters, October 16). Yes, The Spectator is a bigoted sexist publication, but if he reads it......

Japs Again!

Sir: 'A sense of nausea' is the only way I can describe my feelings on reading your editorial on the visit of the Emperor Hirohito. This kind of hysterical outburst may satisfy......

Heath And Europe

Sir: The answer to the riddle of Mr Heath's pledge not to take Britain into the Common Market without the wholehearted support of Parliament and the people lies, I suspect, in......

Sir: "during The Week Beginning On Monday, October 25, There

will be a debate on a motion to approve the entry of the UK into the European Common Market." — Orders of the Day, House of Lords. It is therefore of the utmost importance that......

Sir: Britain Now Faces One Of The Gravest Crises In

her history. In return for hypothetical and nebulous economic gains, the Government, led by self-styled ' internationalist ' Edward Heath, is willing to sign the irrevocable......

Sir: Ucs Has Been Occupying So Much Headline Space Recently

that the plight of Clydeside in general has been lost sight of. In fact unemployment is extremely high; not only UCS but also many other companies (including Plessey, Babcock......


Sir: I wonder whether your readers can help me with a little research. I'd like to hear of any novel that mentions the birth-date of one or more of its characters. The nature of......

Sir: I Am Preparing For Publication An Illustrated Book...

with German military helmets and headdress, 1871-1918. It is a difficult task embracing as it does all branches of the services of the twenty-five various kingdoms, dukedoms and......

A Case For Hanging

Sir: It was most heartening to observe the spontaneous reaction of the crowd which assembled to witness Sewell's entry into the police station at Blackpool. In the......

Gilding The Lilies

From Humphrey Brooke CVO Sir: Owing to chance I have only just seen Bryan Robertson's 'Keeping ahead with Portaiture.' I must certainly challenge his statement that Bryan......