23 SEPTEMBER 1837, page 8

In The Statistical Section Of The Association For The...

of Science, a paper was read by Mr. Walmsley, containing the following particulars of the Liverpool criminals of various descriptions. " In the year 1835, there were taken into......

The Duke Of Wellington Will Not, As Stated, Be Of

the distinguished pesty about to assemble at Haddo Castle, on a visit to the Earl of Aberdeen.— Courier.......


SATURDAY NIGHT. Accounts from Madrid mention that the Government is taking every precaution to protect that city against the threattmed attack of the Car- lists. All the gates......

Letters From Quebec, Dated The 2stil Of August, State That,

in con- sequence of the sturdy opposition of PAPINEAll and the majority of the House of Assembly, Lord GOSrORD bud dissolved the Parliament of Lower Canada. No particulars ate......

The Tea Trade.

On the 20th instant, a great tea sale closed ; when, of nearly 114,000 chests, four-fifths were actually sold. The tea-trade, in common with every other, had suffered a heavy......

The Army.

WA1•07111Cir, September 2t-17th Regt of Light Drags—Limit. B. A. Houblon, Stow the 70th Regt. of Foot, to be Lieut. vice Mordaunt, who exchanges. lOilt Regt. of Foot—Omit. Cadet......

The Theatres.

Tile Haymarket is keeping up its character for novelty and variety. On Saturday last, SERLE . 13 drama, The Queen of the Beggars, was pro- duced—with but equivocal success. This......

Money Market.

Nynex EicilANGE, FRIDAY ATTERWOOSt. A general half - yearly meeting of the Proprietary of the Bank of England occurred yesterday ; at which the only business of importance......

East India Shipping. '11 , E Following Vessels Were...

a heavy gale, at Bombay, no the 15:11.h:tie ; viz , the Edinburgh of Lon !on, since gut off; John stamp of Liverpeol, do.; Ranger. Great I h..rwoo,l, It ictuaul Waiker.and......

Sir Joule Honnoese Has Refused To Sanction The...

the East India Directors, of the Reverend H. Mum. to an office in liaileybury College. Mr. Mum has obtrusively distinguished him- self by zeal for Toryism, and is known as a......