23 SEPTEMBER 1922, page 25

Cotswold Characters. By John Drinkwater. With Five...

by Paul Nash. (London : Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. 6s. 6d.)—The essays which make up Mr. Drinkwater's little volume have already appeared in the American Press.......

• The Golden Calf. By Jacob Schwartz. (c. W. Daniel.

2s. 6d. net.)—A play in three acts dealing with the familiar incident during the exodus of the Children of Israel. The characters are well drawn, but not altogether appropriate,......

The Status Of The Jews In Egypt. By W. M.

Flinders Petrie. (G. Allen and Unwin. 2s. net.)—This Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture to the Jewish Historical Society is a masterly sketch of a large subject, with illustrations......

The Spirit Of Modern Criticism. By C. M. Drennan. (uni-

versity Tutorial Press. 2s. 6d.)—" An Essay in Judicial Prag- matism" is the unappetizing sub-title of this study. Judicial pragmatism, in this instance, means the pragmatic......