24 APRIL 1830, page 8

Fourth Philharmonic Concert.

Bravi bravi tutte ! gentlemen Directors of the Philharmonic Con- cert. You have earned, and you hereby receive, our hearty com- mendations and thanks for the concert of Monday......

Fracas At Drury Lane.

VP= the absurdity and indecorum of the altercation between two performers on the Drury Lane stage, it is quite tuinecessary to offer a remark ; and it were equally superfluous......

Literary Spectator.

TEMPLE'S PERU.* THE melancholy Sultan of Serendib was sent all over the world by his astrological physician to seek and procure the shirt of the first truly happy man he should......

Have More Of Sorrow Than Of Music In Them. In

one song over her nose, were as appropriate to weeping as the shrill cry ; but the most earnest admirers of natural lights too nnich in displaying the mere physical power of his......