24 APRIL 1886, page 2

Lord Spencer And Mr. Morley Addressed A Great Meeting At

Newcastle on Wednesday night, on the Irish policy of the Government. Lord Spencer's speech was manly, but, like all converts, he was disposed to go too far in his new creed. He......

The Annual Meeting Of The Two Thousand Of Birmingham Was

held on Wednesday, with Mr. Schnadhorst in the chair. The subject of discussion was the Home-rule Bill, and it was soon apparent that the Association intended to do a very......

On Wednesday, Again, The Duke Of Argyll Made A Powerful

speech at Glasgow against the Irish policy of the Government. He• professed his sincere faith in Mr. Gladstone's earnestness and sincerity and "juvenile enthusiasm," but said......

Mr. Chamberlain Also Condemned That Scheme Utterly, De-...

he would rather go out of politics altogether than vote for it ; but on the Home-rule Bill he was, in form at all events, more doubtful. We do not think he is doubtful, for he......

Mr. T. P. O'connor, The Leader Of The Irish In

England, made a speech to his constituents in Liverpool on Wednesday, full of ability and of the self-restraint which his party is just now showing. He spoke of Mr. Chamberlain......

President Cleveland Has Sent A Ismarkable Message To Con-...

He says the present unsatisfactory condition of the relations between labour and capital is largely due to the " grasping and heedless exactions of the employers," as well as......

Mr. Morley's Speech Was Not Equally Sanguine. As Usual, He

sees very clearly indeed the difficulty of doing anything except what the Government are doing. He regards their line of policy as the line of least resistance ; but that is the......