24 AUGUST 1901, page 15

An Epidemic Of Baldness In Japan.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATORn SIR, —I think the following account of an epidemic of bald- ness in Japan may interest your readers. European women who are resident in . Japan......

Laundry Inspection.—a Correction. [to The Editor Of The...

me to correct an inaccuracy in your "News of the Week " in the Spectator of August 17th. Speaking of the Laundry discussion on the Report stage of the Factories and Workshops......

The Decline And Fall Of Party Government.

[To THE EDITOR OF run "SrzerAron. - 1 Sis,—It seems to be desirable that the, people of this island should come to recognise that our system of government by two parties is......